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Friday, March 4, 2011

Have You Ever Wanted A Pygmy Marmoset Monkey?

Pygmy Marmoset Monkeys are small squirrel like animals. The smallest living monkey at about 13 inches. They live in South America, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia and Brazil. They have a preference for riverside and floodplain forest. They communicate using a variety of high pitched clicks, squeaks, whistles, and trills. They also use facial expressions to communicate. Pygmies feed on grasshoppers and the sap and gum of certain trees and vines. Female Pygmies are slightly larger than males. The small size of Pygmy Marmosets makes them suitable prey for many climbing carnivores, particularly felines. They can live for 11 years and are not on the endangered species list.


  1. These Pygmy Marmoset Monkeys sound very interesting. I didn't know a way of communicate was through facial expressions. That is pretty neat.

  2. I love these monkeys! They are super cute. I think that it is cool as well that they use facial expressions to communicate!
